Web Development

About Laravel Framework

Understand Laravel file folder and structure

The application structure in Laravel is basically the structure of folders, sub-folders and files included in a project. Once we create a project in Laravel, you will see how Laravel follows a well-defined folder and file structure to help you organize your application code and resources efficiently. This structure is designed to promote maintainability and scalability. […]

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Next JS

How to set token in cookies into Next js app router

Set Token in cookies: Step by step To set a token in cookies in a Next.js app using the App Router, you can use the `useEffect` hook to access the router events and set the token in cookies. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Install `js-cookie` NPM package   First, make sure you have installed

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Next JS, Node JS, Web Development
React JS DOM and Virtual DOM

All About ReactJS Virtual DOM

ReactJS Virtual DOM revolutionizes frontend development by introducing a lightweight, efficient abstraction of the browser’s DOM. This virtual representation mirrors the actual DOM, enabling React to efficiently update and render components in response to state changes. By comparing the virtual DOM with the real DOM and selectively applying changes, React minimizes unnecessary re-renders, enhancing performance and

All About ReactJS Virtual DOM Read More »

React JS, Web Development
Next JS

How to create a blog detail page or slug page in NextJS?

In Next.js, you can create a blog detail page or slug page by following these steps: Set up a Next.js project: If you haven’t already, create a new Next.js project using the appropriate commands or boilerplate setup. Create a new page: In the pages directory of your project, create a new file with the naming

How to create a blog detail page or slug page in NextJS? Read More »

Next JS
Next JS

Stylesheets and Script tag In Head Component of next js

Why This Error Occurred? Do not add stylesheets using next/head (see <link rel=”stylesheet”> tag with href=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.0-alpha1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css”). Use Document instead. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-stylesheets-in-head-component Do not add <script> tags using next/head Next JS don’t recommend this pattern because it will potentially break when used with Suspense and/or streaming. In these contexts, next/head tags aren’t: guaranteed to

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Next JS,
Tutorial - 1 How to install and create nextJS project

Create and install nextJS application

Next.js is a popular React-based framework for building server-rendered (or statically exported) web applications. It was developed by Vercel (formerly known as Zeit) and has been widely adopted by the JavaScript community due to its simplicity, performance, and developer experience. Here are some of the key features and benefits of Next.js: Server-side rendering (SSR): Next.js

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JavaScript, Next JS, Programming, Technology, Web Development,
MongoDB with ReactJS

Connect MongoDB with ReactJS ?

First, we create a react app, and then for backend maintenance, we create API in node.js and express.js which is running at a different port and our react app running at a different port. for connecting React to the database (MongoDB) we integrate through API. Now see how we create a simple React app that

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JavaScript, MongoDB, Node JS, Programming
React vs Angular

React vs Angular: Which Is the Best JavaScript Framework?

Angular and React, as they’re two of the most popular front-end development frameworks. But how can you pick between angular vs react? Angular: Angular is a Google-developed and maintained web framework that was first released in 2010 under the name AngularJS. It quickly became one of the most popular web frameworks at the time. This

React vs Angular: Which Is the Best JavaScript Framework? Read More »

JavaScript, Web Development, , , ,
Hash password node js

Hashing passwords using Bcrypt with Nodejs

According to Wikipedia “bcrypt is a password hashing function designed by Niels Provos and David Mazières, based on the Blowfish cipher. In real life applications with User authentication functionality, it is not practical to store user password as the original string in the database but it is good practice to hash the password and then store them into the database.

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JavaScript, Node JS, Web Development,
node and mongo DB

Connect MongoDB Atlas with NodeJS using Mongoose

MongoDB is a NoSQL database used to store large amounts of data without any traditional relational database table. Instead of rows & columns, MongoDB used collections & documents to store data. A collections consist of a set of documents & a document consists of key-value pairs which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB.

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MongoDB, Node JS, ,
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