Ravi Tokas

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Artificial rain Environmental and Ethical Considerations

The use of artificial rain, a technology intended to alter patterns of precipitation, has important ethical and environmental ramifications. Concerns regarding possible negative effects on ecosystems, water resources, and public perception are raised by the technology’s implementation, despite its potential to address water scarcity, agricultural needs, and wildfire prevention. This conversation takes a thorough look […]

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UI Prototypes

How can you get the Most effective feedback on your UI prototypes?

Getting effective feedback on your User Interface (UI) prototypes is crucial for creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces. Collecting constructive input helps you identify and address potential issues early in the design process, saving time and resources in the long run. Here are some strategies to get the most effective feedback on your UI prototypes:

How can you get the Most effective feedback on your UI prototypes? Read More »

Web Development, UI / UX,
How can you use HTML5 to create scalable software products for enterprise applications

How can you use HTML5 to create scalable software products for enterprise applications?

HTML5, the latest iteration of the HyperText Markup Language, has revolutionized web development and made it easier to create scalable software products for enterprise applications. With its enhanced features, improved performance, and cross-platform compatibility, HTML5 is a powerful tool for building enterprise-level software solutions. In this article, we will explore how HTML5 can be effectively

How can you use HTML5 to create scalable software products for enterprise applications? Read More »

HTML 5, , , , ,
About Laravel Framework

Overview on Laravel

Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. It was created by Taylor Otwell and first released in 2011. Laravel has gained widespread popularity within the PHP development community due to its developer-friendly approach, robust toolset, and extensive documentation. Here are some key features and concepts associated

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Laravel, ,
About Laravel Framework

Understand Laravel file folder and structure

The application structure in Laravel is basically the structure of folders, sub-folders and files included in a project. Once we create a project in Laravel, you will see how Laravel follows a well-defined folder and file structure to help you organize your application code and resources efficiently. This structure is designed to promote maintainability and scalability.

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Next JS

How to set token in cookies into Next js app router

Set Token in cookies: Step by step To set a token in cookies in a Next.js app using the App Router, you can use the `useEffect` hook to access the router events and set the token in cookies. Here’s a step-by-step guide: Step 1: Install `js-cookie` NPM package   First, make sure you have installed

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Next JS, Node JS, Web Development
React JS DOM and Virtual DOM

All About ReactJS Virtual DOM

ReactJS Virtual DOM revolutionizes frontend development by introducing a lightweight, efficient abstraction of the browser’s DOM. This virtual representation mirrors the actual DOM, enabling React to efficiently update and render components in response to state changes. By comparing the virtual DOM with the real DOM and selectively applying changes, React minimizes unnecessary re-renders, enhancing performance and

All About ReactJS Virtual DOM Read More »

React JS, Web Development
Next JS

How to make a Blog detail page with data fetch from mongoDB in nextJS

To fetch a blog detail page data by ID from MongoDB in NextJS, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Install the mongodb package in your Next.js project: npm install mongodb Step 2: Set up a connection to your MongoDB database. Create a file, let’s say db.js, in the root of your NextJS project: import

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Next JS

How to create a blog detail page or slug page in NextJS?

In Next.js, you can create a blog detail page or slug page by following these steps: Set up a Next.js project: If you haven’t already, create a new Next.js project using the appropriate commands or boilerplate setup. Create a new page: In the pages directory of your project, create a new file with the naming

How to create a blog detail page or slug page in NextJS? Read More »

Next JS
Next JS

Stylesheets and Script tag In Head Component of next js

Why This Error Occurred? Do not add stylesheets using next/head (see <link rel=”stylesheet”> tag with href=”https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.0-alpha1/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css”). Use Document instead. See more info here: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/no-stylesheets-in-head-component Do not add <script> tags using next/head Next JS don’t recommend this pattern because it will potentially break when used with Suspense and/or streaming. In these contexts, next/head tags aren’t: guaranteed to

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Next JS,
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